Srinagar, May 26: Government Upper Primary School Wahab Sahab area of Shar village at the outskirts of Pampore Town in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district operates from 3 rooms, accommodating over eighty students space constraints.
Out of the three rooms, one room has been dedicated to the office even as 9 lessons are running from two different rooms. In one study room, there are three boards where teachers educate diverse topics. To meet the space constraints, the college authorities have converted the corridor of the building right into a makeshift lecture room wherein three-4 training are held.

The teachers stated that the loss of area has adversely affected the best of education. “From KG to eighth trendy, we need to regulate 9 training in rooms. We are facing issues in coaching. The students’ do no longer get the training they deserve,” a instructor stated.

During terrible weather, he stated, things get worse for them. “If weather is good, we preserve some classes underneath the open sky. Bad climate doubles our issues,” he said.
Established in 1985, the school is positioned within the top reaches, and the general public of the students comes from the weaker phase of the society. However, almost three a long time have exceeded since the college became built however government has failed to improve it.
Muneeb, magnificence 6th scholar, lamented that they are not able to pay interest within the magnificence and frequently get distracted. “As many teachers are turning in lectures at the same time, our attention gets diverted. It badly impacts our research. I need the Government to offer extra rooms to the college so that we will observe with peace here,” he stated.

Students of nine lessons cramped in 2 rooms in Wahab Sahab School 1
Another scholar said that they are not getting the right training regardless of having precise instructors. “Our teachers educate us well. However, lack of space restricts our education,” he stated, including the appeal to the government to look at the difficulty.
Chief Education Officer Pulwama, Naseem ul Gani Kahteeb, admitted that the faculty are dealing with space constraints. “The trouble is actual and wants to be addressed. We have area constraints there, and hence new extra structures can not be built,” he said.
However, he stated that the branch had recognized land for the construction of brand new construction. “There isn’t any area to be had at the prevailing location, so we decided to construct a new shape at a one-of-a-kind location. The problem may be resolved with the development of a new structure,” he said.