Tea lawn workers in Sylhet on Sunday demanded special allocation in the subsequent country-wide budget to beautify educational centers for their children.
Activists of Cha Bagan Shiksha Odhikar Bastabayan Parishad, a platform advanced to press home the instructional rights of the youngsters of tea garden people, made the call for in a petition submitted to the finance minister thru the district management.

Additional deputy commissioner (popular) Sandip Kumar Singha acquired the application on behalf of the district management officers.
The CBSOBP leaders within the application alleged that powerful steps had not been taken to fulfill the primary rights of the tea lawn people in long 48 years after the Independence, even though they are gambling good-sized role to enhance up u . S .’s economic system.
They said that authorities’ primary schools were mounted so far at simplest 14 out of 166 tea gardens in the country whilst only 3 secondary degree faculties had been hooked up there.
Besides, the compulsory number one schooling program of the authorities become no longer applied thus far in the tea garden regions of the country, they stated.

Enhanced education centers at tea gardens demanded 1
The nation is responsible for offering equal fashionable mass schooling for all and offering free obligatory education device to boys and girls up to the precise stage according to the object 17 of the Constitution, the CBSOBP leaders reminded.
They said the authorities ought to take immediately steps to meet the essential rights of tea lawn workers if it desires to reap a concerted and sustainable improvement within the u . S.
Earlier within the morning, the CBSOBP activists held a rally in the front of Central Shaheed Minar at Chowhatta in the Sylhet town to press home their demands.

The CBSOBP leader Addhir Bauri presided over the rally that becomes addressed, among others, by using the organization’s coordinator Sanjay Kanta Das and Bishwajit Shil, Malnichhara Tea Garden unit organizer Sanjit Bauri, Lakkatura Tea Garden unit organizer Angkan Layek, Lalkhan Tea Garden unit organizer Suman Mridha, Hiluachhara Tea Garden organiser Ranju Ganju, Daldali Tea Garden unit organizer Suchitra Lohar, Khan Tea Garden organiser Jiban Roy and Chharagang Tea Garden organiser Ripon Kurmi.
After the rally, they marched closer to the district management’s office at Bandar Bazar in the divisional town to publish the petition to the finance minister.